Exchange&Connect #skillingup

107 guests

Name Organisation Job Position Country
Julie Ann HESKIN Articulture Co-director United Kingdom
Annette HILDEBRAND STILTLIFE StreeTTheater Artistic Director Netherlands
Lise HOËZ-GUEZENNEC La Brèche, Pôle National Cirque de Normandie / Cherbourg General Secretary France
Olivia HULTMAN Region Skåne Developer Dance & Circus Sweden
Jesse HUYGH Adm Project Manager Belgium
Cécile IMBERNON La chouette diffusion Co-director Belgium
Laura IVERS Arts Council of Ireland Head of Circus, Street Arts and Spectacle Ireland
Milla JARKO Milla Jarko Artist and Producer Finland
Isabel JOLY FEDEC Director Belgium
Geo KALEV Mini Art Fondation Director Bulgaria